CBD gummies are the latest health trend to hit the market, and it’s easy to see why they’re so popular. Besides being tasty, CBD gummies contain all of the positive effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in an easy-to-consume format that makes it perfect for anyone with a busy lifestyle. Unfortunately, CBD gummies come in many different price ranges, here are 3 truths to know How CBD gummies vary in price?.

1) Active Ingredients

Active ingredients are what make a product effective. For CBD gummies, the active ingredient is cannabidiol (CBD). This is the part of the plant that has been shown to have medicinal properties.   One of these properties is reducing inflammation in the body which can help people with conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia. Cannabinoids found in hemp are not psychoactive because they do not act on the same pathways as THC does in marijuana.

2) Additives & Fillers

There are a few reasons why CBD gummies vary in price. The first has to do with additives and fillers. Some brands add artificial flavors, colors, and sweeteners to their gummies, which can increase the price. Others use all-natural ingredients, which may be more expensive but are better for your health.

3) Organic vs. Non-Organic

Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. Non-organic foods may be grown with these chemicals. When it comes to CBD gummies, organic ingredients cost more because farmers have to adhere to stricter standards. However, some people believe that organic ingredients are worth the extra cost because they’re better for your health.

By Sandra